The 4th Friday of every month from 3:45pm-5:45pm. 

Location: 4708 Durant Avenue

North Charleston, SC 29405

Phone #: 843-225-2337

Please wear your mask.

You do not have to leave your car.

Also, join us on Facebook for live stream on Sunday if you can't make it: Your safety is our top priority!

Facebook search: El-Shaddai Missionary Baptist Church.

We know this is a hard time financially for some. However, we would like to continue to bless those in need like we have for the past 28 years.

If you are led to, please feel free to give a tax - deductible donation via cash app to El- Shaddai Missionary Baptist Church. Our cash app handle is $esmbc.

Proceeds will go to help feed, clothes and shelter the community.